Tuesday, June 23, 2015

aggravated pitta

Ayurveda clearly diagnoses the craving for sex as a state of aggravated pitta. Especially when the person is craving the act and not the person with whom to engage, Ayurvda advises that we are isolating the action from its purpose, driving the car without knowing where we are going. 

~ EveryDay Ayurveda, 2015, Chapter 37 - Real Sex: Intimacy

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

the enigma of privacy vs. education around real sex

This enigma of privacy around the sexual act prevents proper education about the development of intimacy.  Add to this mix a kitchari of complicated cultural norms around marriage, love, and sexual practices, and one has no instruction on how to behave unless successful family and friends can teach. And even there lies a complication: family and friends cannot instruct a person how to behave intimately with a lover, how to allure, where to touch, where to kiss, how to press.

Kautilya and Vatsayana solved this problem by creating a user’s manual at a time when Buddhism had swept the land and more men were finding God than finding a partner.... 

~ EveryDay Ayurveda, 2015, Chapter 37 - Real Sex: Intimacy

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

the indriyas

Jnana-indriyas (Sanskrit, jnana=wisdom) are the five sensory organs; karma-indriyas (Sanskrit, karma=action) are the five motor organs; and manas is the organ for sensing the soul and connecting it to the language of the senses. Together, these eleven organs act to help the soul journey around in the material world on its path of discovery and healing.
~ EveryDay Ayurveda, 2015, Part II. Opening the Five Senses

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

the inner radiance of Ojas

Ayurveda tells us that the purpose of our daily routine is to keep us healthy, to build our fire and give us the energy, the power, and the focus to do what we are here in this life to do. When the transformative properties of the body are balanced and transmuting matter and energy back and forth as needed, there exudes an inner radiance, a subtle energy of fire, primal vigor, radiance of vitality, and unfoldment of all higher perceptual capacities, called Ojas. The person shows courage, perception and insight.

~ EveryDay Ayurveda, 2015, Chapter 41, Rasayana: Vitality and the Raising of Agni